Hey guys!
So when I saw this tweet, I had to retweet it and I thought it was absolutely hilarious. I think this tweet especially applies to girls more than it might to guys but all in all, it's hilarious. I think any girl might be able to relate to this tweet in one way or another. There had to be that one time where you really liked someone, so much so that you became almost territorial over them. You completely understood that you and the person were not dating but you still believe, in your head, that you were entitled to have some control over who that person can and cannot talk to. I wonder why we tend to lead ourselves to believe that we are allowed to be territorial over that other person. I wonder if it's our feelings getting the best of us or if it could be contributed to something else. I know when I've had these feelings before, it was strictly because of how I felt for the person and moreover, feeling that if the person is flirting with someone else, they might not be interested in me. Looking back, I realize it's probably ridiculous to act that way but hey, sometimes you just can't help it.
What I also find rather funny is, as this tweet implies, girls have a tendency to get upset with the other person, rather than the girl or guy that they are being territorial over. I don't know if I will ever understand this concept. Granted, I am just as guilty but it is still something I question. That's like when we hear these news stories about women attacking the "other" woman. Um, last time I checked, you were in a relationship with your significant other and not the other person. Therefore, shouldn't you be upset with your significant other and not the other person?! In hindsight, it's actually really ridiculous that girls, especially, tend to get upset with the other person to such a degree when they really should be mad at the person they are talking to, dating, married to, etc.
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