Wednesday, April 18, 2012

I Don't Care!... Okay, Maybe I Do

Hey There!
So this week's tweet is actually one that one of my followers retweeted and upon reading it, I had to retweet it as well. It's also rather funny that I would stumble upon this tweet because as freshman year comes to a close, I realize just how applicable it is to some of the people I have befriended this year.
My freshman year here at Penn State has been a learning experience, to say the least. While I have learned something new in each of my classes, I would say that the bulk of my learning came from experiences outside of the classroom. Namely, through living with someone else.
To sum up the situation with my roommate, we requested one another coming into this year and about a week in, I realized things about her that I really didn't like. Since we requested one another, I didn't know how to confront the situation and eventually things boiled over and the situation got so bad that we didn't talk for weeks. Now, we manage to be friendly with one another without actually being friends. It works for the both of us and provides us with some space from one another. After all, that shoebox we call a room can get cramped when you spend your entire day with your roommate, as the two of us did. But I have to admit that during the time when we weren't talking, I seemed to talking about her the most to other people. I quickly realized that by trying to maintain my attitude towards her and forcing myself not to talk to her, yet by still being consumed with talking about everything she did,  these were all signs that I clearly did care about the situation. What makes it even harder is I have to admit that I did still care about her as well. We had grown really close at one point during the year and if there was a night she was out at a party little later than I expected, a part of me started to worry that she was okay. But then I would quickly remind myself that I'm supposed to be mad at her and I shouldn't care about her wellbeing. Now that my roommate and I are fine, I realize just how ridiculous I was being and just how true this tweet is. I've realized that if you grow close to someone as a friend (the same applies to someone potentially becoming more than a friend), it's difficult to just turn those feelings off and act like you no longer care about them. A part of you will always care about them, regardless of the situation.
Has the same situation ever happened to you? Did you have to learn the hard way like I did?

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Skinny? Fat? Just Right!

Hey there!
I thought this tweet was a great one to talk about for this blog entry. While the hype surrounding body image issues has significantly decreased in recent years, it is still a topic of great discussion. We all know that celebrities play a huge role in this body image topic, considering some of our favorite actresses or singers might appear a certain way on a magazine cover and we strive to emulate that person. This issue especially seems to be a huge deal amongst girls but I'm sure the same is applicable to guys. What I find the most interesting though, is just how often our image of the "ideal" body seems to change so frequently.
I can remember not too long ago, it seemed like every magazine cover was something like this:

Magazine covers showed celebrities from Paris Hilton to Lindsay Lohan and even some models, like Kate Moss. It was nearly everywhere! We saw the skin and bones of some of our favorite celebrities and although many of these magazine covers were denouncing their severe weight loss, these celebrities were still gaining much attention, which could lead one to believe that they were actually being praised for being so skinny. During that time, it seemed like weight loss surgeries and procedures were all the rave in an effort to lose weight and have these "ideal" bodies. Then, our societal views seemed to shift, as the bodies of people like Beyonce, Jennifer Lopez and more recently, Kim Kardashian and Nicki Minaj have been gaining much attention. These women are known as being more curvy. They have larger butts, wider hips, thicker thighs. Their bodies are now the "ideal" standard. We've taken this whole body image thing to such an extreme that I've heard that women are able to get injections put into their butts to make them more voluptuous. Ultimately, this is absolutely ridiculous! Women will never be able to successfully achieve this "ideal" body because it is impossible to achieve it. We can work out until we're 98 pounds or pay thousands of dollars to have larger butts and boobs but in the end, we will still never view ourselves as good enough. I decided to use this person's tweet because I love their confidence in accepting themselves just as they are. More people, namely women, need to have a similar view of themselves, which can seriously help us get over this societal obsession with perfecting our bodies.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

We're Kind of, Sort of, Dating.... It's Complicated.

Hey guys!
So when I saw this tweet, I had to retweet it and I thought it was absolutely hilarious. I think this tweet especially applies to girls more than it might to guys but all in all, it's hilarious. I think any girl might be able to relate to this tweet in one way or another. There had to be that one time where you really liked someone, so much so that you became almost territorial over them. You completely understood that you and the person were not dating but you still believe, in your head, that you were entitled to have some control over who that person can and cannot talk to. I wonder why we tend to lead ourselves to believe that we are allowed to be territorial over that other person. I wonder if it's our feelings getting the best of us or if it could be contributed to something else. I know when I've had these feelings before, it was strictly because of how I felt for the person and moreover, feeling that if the person is flirting with someone else, they might not be interested in me. Looking back, I realize it's probably ridiculous to act that way but hey, sometimes you just can't help it.
What I also find rather funny is, as this tweet implies, girls have a tendency to get upset with the other person, rather than the girl or guy that they are being territorial over. I don't know if I will ever understand this concept. Granted, I am just as guilty but it is still something I question. That's like when we hear these news stories about women attacking the "other" woman. Um, last time I checked, you were in a relationship with your significant other and not the other person. Therefore, shouldn't you be upset with your significant other and not the other person?! In hindsight, it's actually really ridiculous that girls, especially, tend to get upset with the other person to such a degree when they really should be mad at the person they are talking to, dating, married to, etc.