Thursday, March 1, 2012

Never Judge A Book By Its Cover

Hey There! So this tweet is actually from someone who I do not follow, but I stumbled upon it thanks to the hash tag "#wordsofwisdom" at the end of the tweet. For those of you who might not be very familiar with Twitter, that hash tag at the end of this girl's tweet is blue because it is actually a link to a page where other Twitter users also tweeted something on the topic of "words of wisdom". I especially loved this tweet because I think it definitely embodies a word of wisdom that people should remember. 
I think often times in society, we get so caught up in judging one another that it has become difficult for us to take a second to consider what someone else might be going through in their own lives. This tweet is especially important for women to consider. We all know that girls tend to be rather catty, finding any and every thing to attack about another woman, regardless of whether or not we actually know that person. As an African-American female, I can speak from first hand experience and this is definitely an issue within our community. I've seen it so many times; one girl sees another girl at a party or some where out and within a few minutes, they have judged that other person from head to toe. It's actually so sad. Black women tend to be especially critical of other Black women. Instead of empowering one another, we have a tendency to tear one another down in any and every which way we can. Sometimes, it seems like it is rather difficult for African-American women to uplift one another because we are too busy being each other's worse enemies. I understand that not all African-American women are this way, and I know that the experience might be different amongst other racial groups, but I am only speaking on what I have observed personally.
When we really stop to think about it, we don't know other people's stories and we definitely don't know what they might be going through at the time. I know I have had days where I was feeling down in the dumps and all it took was someone smiling at me or doing/saying something nice to significantly brighten to my day. That's really all it takes; some small gesture can mean so much to someone, especially when they are upset or feeling down. I believe this tweet really reminds us all, regardless of race or gender, how we should be considerate of other people.
I also have a question for you all to consider: why do you think that we as a people are so quick to judge one another? And how do you think we can correct this judgmental society we have created?


  1. Judging people is a problem that every single person has. I feel it is just something natural humans do but by no means is right. Judging that one kid who is quiet and keeps to himself as a loser not knowing while he struggles at home with his parents tough divorce is just wrong. Judging any person who you do not know is just simply wrong. Yes we may judge people instantly but we must put that outside and get to know the people. Two of my best friends I didn't like at first because I had judged them but it turns out they were amazing people. People need to not judge a book by its cover and find out whats on the inside.

  2. I feel like judging is almost a second nature to the point where we don't even think about it anymore. If we step back and take a look at what we're thinking about this person we don't even know I think we'll be startled at how different the outlook can be. We almost need to start thinking before we think! We expect other people to take into consideration our personal circumstances before they judge us, why can't we do the same?

  3. People are quick to judge on another because we do not want to be judged. Fear of our own hate drives a lot of humanity to judge and and attack others. I think this matter is embedded into our DNA, correction for that would have to be completely rewired the human population as a whole. People should try individually to pull through and not judge others, to be aware of their actions and their influence on others.
