Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Horrors of Horoscopes

About a year ago, I became obsessed with Twitter. Yeah, Facebook is nice every now and again but it's nothing like Twitter. You see something photo-worthy, you can TwitPic it. Hear something funny? Tweet about it. Those limited 140 characters seem like so little but it enables you to make a point that is short, sweet and well, to the point. Furthermore, your followers, the people who actually want to read your tweets, can respond to what you have to say, therefore sparking a discussion or they may retweet your tweet by publishing it to their own followers. Oh, and how can I forget about trending topics? These topics are typically created by how many people are mentioning said topic in their tweets and they can range from politics to sports to reality TV. Basically, whatever is going on in America or around the world, you'll know about it via Twitter. It's great!

One of the pages I happen to be following is ZodiacFacts. I've never been one to really believe in horoscopes but since I follow the page, the horoscopes appear on my timeline so I tend to read them, especially the Gemini ones since after all, I am a Gemini. The picture of the tweet above is one that I read recently and it amazed me how much this tweet related to how I was feeling. For whatever reason, I just felt so down and in a serious slump. I had gotten in an argument with my roommate so there was serious tension in my room. As a result of the fight, I was also distancing myself from two of my other friends since they were both mine and my roommates' mutual friends. I just always felt in an irritable mood but also on the brink of crying. I really just wanted to go home. What was even more bizarre was that I couldn't even explain exactly what I was so upset about. I just knew I felt a certain way and it wasn't a feeling I was accustomed to. I didn't feel at all like myself. At first I thought it had something to do with the fight with my roommate but even after we talked things out, I was still feeling sad. It wasn't until I talked to my Grandpa and he prayed for me over the phone and then I went to church on Sunday that I was able to refocus my thoughts and get back on track. Last week really just felt like a blur, and it's probably one that I would prefer to forget! Yet, all in all, as much as I don't want to believe in these horoscopes, this one explained how I was feeling perfectly.
Are you a strong believer in horoscopes or zodiac signs? Why or why not? Have you ever read a horoscope that nailed your personality, your feelings or your outlook on life dead on?

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